To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.

Goos Bronkhorst - Studio Poolster - Amsterdam / Maastricht
photography / art direction / social design
all about wondering how good and colorfull the world can be (if we choose to see)
contact ++31 (0)6 52611498 +

H.A.A.S. - and why everyone loves him. - work in progress

double portraits (my father and me 2020) - work in progress

Jan is a very common name. Jan Lemmens is one of a kind. Talking to Jan is like sitting by a campfire under a shining starry sky.
documentary photography / concept website /

Reinier van der Meer is more of an adventurer than a carpenter and less an interior builder than a space invader.
documentary photography / concept website /

Martijn runs a family printing business - from 1 copy to 100,000
photography for print and web / concept website /

once a year since 2012 we make the cover for the garden calendar collaboration with graphic designer Suzan Beier (

"tomorrow at this time the new star will be at your side of heaven"
star factory / a love story - work in progress

Stadsnatuurvisie Maastricht - collaboration with Rob Janssen and others

photography Ravepas - web and print

midwinter 2021 we were artists in residence at the Kunstgenmaal in Bronkhorst - working on what it is that makes us wonder
collaboration in progress with Ellis (

Hidde is always very excited about my documentary photography, even if he exaggerates half of it I still feel enlightened.
documentary photography Tefaf - Hidde van Seggelen

Dear ........... This cloud reminds me of you because ........... I feel .................
set of 10 postcards - work in progress -

does (s)he love me ? ( and do I ? )
Love is not a game, but you can play it like it is. Make sure not to hurt someone or yourself to much. A little is ok, it helps you to grow into it. Oh, and there is no manual, you cannot learn to love from books. It takes practice and is best done in a playfull and humorfull way - for one of the most intimate things is feeling another body laughing :+)
set of 54 cards with link to online score card (send email to order)

Creativity speeks it's own language - it can take any form.
You can see it in the shapes of clouds, feel it in the touch of the breese, hear it in the sounds your son makes when eating. It can even be in connecting the green peas fallen from his spoon...
green dots creativity set - 68 pages with + 100 green dots + 1 pencil 6H (send email to order)

Friendship is like good wine, it becomes better with age.
photography and wine workshops
collaboration with Lonneke ten Hooven (
When you are interested in working together please contact:
Goos Bronkhorst ++31 (0)6 52611498
Studio Poolster - Amsterdam / Maastricht